My Hamster is a Delightful Distraction.

Hammy the Hamster
Hammy the Hamster tolerating a love fest

We’ve owned our pet hamster now for nearly two years. He has been a good source of delightful distractions during these challenging times.

Meet Hammy the Hamster

Hammy was the compromise reached between my husband and myself after our beloved cat, Wilson, passed in 2017. Going through another life cycle of a cat was just too much for my husband to bear. Not having anything furry to love was too much for me to bear. So, we got a Syrian hamster. He is a larger breed of hamsters with long hair.

Delightful Distraction

I owned hamsters when I was a child. So did my husband. However, my memory of them is scanty. I didn’t have a strong bond with my hamsters. My husband’s memory of his is detailed. He was extremely bonded to his first pet. The affection he felt for his hamster manifests in bunches of kisses on Hammy’s fat furry body. I’m not sure Hammy appreciates the snuggling, but he surely likes the treats he gets after tolerating the love fest.

Here is a short video I’ve created of Hammy the hamster. He moves around so much, it is difficult to get any good clear pictures of him. But, you’ll get the idea…