Dogs at the Beach

Dogs at the beach
Dogs at the Beach – a Delightful Distraction

No question about it, Dogs at the Beach are a serious delightful distraction.

During this time of isolation, I’m creating a series of Delightful Distraction videos to help distract us from what is going on and find some beauty, peace and, humor. This one is a real smiler! Dogs at the beach!

I love Dogs

Despite my intense love for cats, I do love dogs, too. As a child we had cockapoos. I’d enjoy I enjoy litters of pups two times a year for several years.

My husband, however, is allergic to dogs. The, coupled with the fact we live in a townhome with no yard, dogs have not been an option. So, I’ve taken advantage of friends who have puppies – especially the Golden Doodles! Another friend of mine has had Scottie pups. OMG. Too cute!!! I’ve snuggled white and black Scottie pups. Those short stubby legs. Ah! So cute it HURTS! And, finally, I enjoy the snuggles with two darling Pomerang dogs. They aren’t puppies, but they are small – so quite cuddly.

At the Beach

One of my greatest joys at the beach is watching the unbridled bliss of dogs at the beach. Jumping in the waves, chasing the gulls. Just so much fun.

Here is a short video of dogs at the beach. I’ve taken over the years. Enjoy!

Dogs at the Beach Video